Thursday, July 21, 2011

i2PDF Converting Scanned Documents to PDF the Quick and Easy Way

One of the things that I had to do recently is to send signed documents to someone via email. They sent me the forms that I needed to sign, then I needed to send back signed documents in PDF form. This is how I did it with Free software:

The best way to do this is to scan your documents with your scanner, or (if you don't have a scanner) take a digital picture. Make sure to save the files in JPG format on your computer. Then put those picture files together into a PDF file, and send the completed PDF to it's destination as an attachment in an email message.

But how do you do this without buying some expensive piece of software to convert those pictures into a PDF? With a very simple and easy to use program that is completely free called i2PDF. This program is so easy to use grandma could use it.

Open the program, then drag the picture files into the window, you can drag the file names around so they are in the order that you want them in the PDF file.

Then hit the "Build PDF" button and click "OK" at the next screen. There are options on this page if you feel you need to change something, but usually you won't have to do anything here.

Then select where you want the PDF to be saved, and Whala you have your PDF document ready to send off to your recipient.

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